April 18th 2003

The Last Bridge Mission

Original idea : KK_Little _Oishi

Mission : KK_Little _Oishi, and KK_de_Deville


Somewhere in France there is a bridge still in the hands of the Germans. As the Allied forces are pushing to liberate France, the Germans have to retreat toward Germany. Their problem is that they have a whole division cornered. Allies occupy all other escape routes, except for that last bridge. There is a railroad bridge beside it, but it was already destroyed. So the Germans have to keep that bridge open, otherwise a whole division would have to surrender or be decimated.

Allies were informed of this by our master spy Pierre de Mole. So Air Vice Marshal Sir Marmaduke Teapot is looking for volunteer pilots to destroy that bridge at all costs. This would leave that German division at the mercy of Allies and free a large part of France and the whole of Belgium.

Mission goals:

For Germans, protect bridge.

For Allies, destroy the bridge and keep as many planes as possible flying to secure the area.

For the lucky German pilot who acts as the "bridge", is to land as fast as possible at the designated area(or close to it), sit there, shoot at the Allies if he can and pray.


To win, the Germans have to destroy all Allies aircrafts.

The Allies have to destroy the bridge by shooting it down as it sits there.

If a pilot collides with bridge, his team loses.

The bridge can shoot from ground to simulate troops.

Germans take turn to act as bridge, unless there is a volunteer.



Victory requirements: Last alive

Max players: 16

Max teams: 2

Max players per team: 8

Multiplayer realism; 95%

-Aircraft: medium

-Stores: limited ammo and fuel

- Visual: sunglare and G effects

-Combat: weapon effectiveness normal

-Position options: Start radius 2000, airspeed 150.

-Start location: Lillie airfield.

-Password: ww1 (lower case letters)

-Played in Great Furball.

How we play it:

  1. Launch at vertical of Lillie airfield. The bridge is situated at south end of airfield.
  2. Allies go SW along river.
  3. Germans go NE along river.
  4. The "bridge" lands on river near the road. He does not have to be on the exact spot to save time. When he is down and stopped, he types DOWN.
  5. At that moment Allies turn toward bridge to shoot it down and Germans come to protect it.
  6. Game is over when: a) The bridge is shot down b) All allies are shot down c) Bridge is collided by either team. This team loses.
  7. German plane: KK_Fokker DR1A Allies plane: CD Camel Bridge plane; Choice of player so he can land fast without crashing.


For those interested, the exact position of bridge is: N50*31.16’ E3*6.83’. It would be a good idea for everyone to go there in Free Flight or Quick Combat prior to game.

Good Luck to all!